Concentric Shares

Concentric is listed on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Exchange and has its registered office in Stockholm, Sweden

Concentric Shareholders

The ten largest shareholders as of August 30, 2024

NameNo of shares% of votes and capital
Första AP-Fonden3,441,9648.99
Nordea Funds AB3,248,6688.48
Swedbank Robur Fonder2,903,1677.58
Cliens Kapitalforvalning AB2,807,8707.33
AMF - Försäkring & Pension1,823,1134.76
Fjärde AP-Fonden1,800,8324.70
State Street Bank and Trust Co, W91,786,0624.66
The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV, W8IMY1,664,5304.35
Handelsbankens Fonder AB1,658,8994.33
Total ten largest shareholders 21,940,04257.29
Total other shareholders15,182,40839.64
Total, excl. own share holding37,122,45096.93
Own share holding (incl. shares in an Employee Share Ownership Trust)1,175,1503.07
Total shares38,297,600100.00