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Concentric - Hof, Germany

Concentric has a German-based sales and support office for diesel engine pump products, operating in all the German-speaking countries of Europe as well as Scandinavia. Besides being responsible for all sales activities in the region, it offers customers local support in technical, logistics and quality issues.

Contact Us

Manufacturing, Research and Development, Sales and Distribution


Concentric Hof GmbH,
Hofer Str. 19,
95030 Hof, Germany.

Vägbeskrivning (extern länk) +49-9281-895-0 [email protected]

The Concentric Hof office supports all German speaking customers in Europe.

Concentric’s German hydraulics plant in Hof, Bavaria traces its origins to the Reichert Company founded in Berlin in 1886. It currently has over 120 employees and 10,000 square feet of manufacturing space. Primary products manufactured in Hof include external gear pumps and fluid motors. Approved to ISO 9001:2015, IATF 16949: 2016, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:18 and ISO 50001:2018 for quality, environment, energy and health & safety, the plant is equipped to the highest standards in CNC machining, grinding, precision gear cutting, assembly and test.

The Hof facility houses applications, product engineering, customer and product service for gear pumps and gear motors. Much of the pioneering development work in low noise gear product technology as well as electro-hydraulic steering systems has emanated from Hof’s engineering department and has been implemented on Concentric branded pump designs worldwide. Hof works closely with the European marketing and sales organization and its global counterparts to ensure total customer satisfaction.

Contact Details

Sales & Support

  • Thorsten Strunz Hof Plant Director
  • Roger Ingemey Senior Vice President - Hydraulics

Visit the Office

Concentric AB
Hof, Germany

Concentric Hof,
Hofer Str. 19,
95030 Hof,

Vägbeskrivning (extern länk) +49 9281 8950 [email protected]

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